Relevant Students
Wednesday Nights | Middle School @ 6:00pm & High School @ 7:30pm

What To Expect
A Wednesday night is divided into two parts: Large Group and Small Group. In Large Group, we play games, sing songs, and listen to messages to help students meet with God and know Him more. This portion of the night will last about 50 minutes. In Small Group, students will discuss how to apply the message they heard in Large Group. By building spiritual friendships with each other and an adult mentor, students will be able to discuss questions and thoughts they have about anything going on in their life. Our simple goal on Wednesday nights is that students would learn something about God that changes how they live. In Large group, we teach. In small group, we apply.
Times and Location
During the school year, Relevant gathers on Wednesday nights at Grace Community Church.
Middle School meets from 6 – 7:30pm
High School meets from 7:30-9pm
We are located at:
2853 Dunlop Lane, Clarksville, TN 37043
Our Strategy
We gather to hang out, have fun, worship, and hear the gospel taught in a clear, relevant way. This provides a front door for students to invite their friends and meet with God.
We connect students with each other and adult mentors to help them build spiritual friendships, because friends will determine the direction and quality of a student’s life.
We empower students to serve inside and outside the church, because we believe Christians are called to make a difference. For more information, click HERE.
We make time to retreat from the normal flow of life to go deeper in our small groups during our retreats & camps. For more information about our student ministry, check out relevantstudents.com