Grace in the Word

Last Words: A seven Week Journey Through Lent

Welcome to the Grace in the Word
Reading Plan

Over the next seven weeks, you are invited to take part in a journey called Grace in the Word – Last Words. This will be a seven-week study walking through the last words of Jesus on the cross. This plan will take an in-depth look at each of the seven statements that Jesus made from the cross and dig into the spiritual and practical significance of each of these statements.

Grace in the Word begins on February 12th.

Want to experience the reading plan with an online community? Join us on Facebook in the Grace in the Word FB Community where we will be having discussion and sharing with each other as we read.

Last Words – Week 7

This week we wrap up our study of the last words of Jesus. This week, as we reflect on His last words of giving His Spirit over to God, we set aside time to reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus, His crucifixion, and His death.

Take this Holy Week before Easter as a time of prayer, remembrance, and encouragement for your heart.

Last Words – Week 6

This week we turn to John 19:30 and look at Jesus’ last words on the cross, “It is Finished!” These are the words that declare victory over sin, freedom and new life for those who believe, and the cheer of a king who has completed the sacrificial work that impacts eternity.

Study Jesus’ words this week and reflect on what this means for our lives in our not yet completed lives.

Last Words – Week 5

This week in week five of our Grace in the Word study, we unpack Jesus’ words, “I Am Thirsty.” In one sense, Jesus, who is one hundred percent God and one hundred percent man, is indicating a basic need upon the cross, but in the deeper understanding of Jesus’ words, we are shown by Jesus that we all have needs. We, as people, are needy. Our needs range from physical (tangible for survival) to spiritual.

This week, as you study Jesus’ words from John 19:28-29 reflect on your spiritual neediness and how Jesus can quench the thirst of your spiritual needs.

Last Words – Week 4

This week, as we dive into week 4 of our Grace in the Word study of Jesus’ last words on the cross, we see Jesus calling out in agony to God. He is specifically calling out in spiritual suffering because He is experiencing the total weight and consequence of sin, which is separation from God. As you dive into week four and study these words of Jesus, remember that Jesus took on abandonment from God so that we would not have to. Thank God for that, and seek out how you can allow Jesus’ words here to reflect in your life today.

Last Words – Week 3

As we continue our study of the last words of Jesus, we look at the charge Jesus gives to His disciple John and the comfort that He gives to His mother, Mary. Jesus gives John the vocation of loving others by reminding him to take care of Mary when He is gone. He also pours out comfort to His mother, Mary, by telling her to look upon Him on the cross. He reminds her by calling her to look upon Him that she will be okay. He reminds her of who He is and what He brings to her and the world: hope. Reflect on these words, the call He gives to John and us to love and care for others, and the hope He gives us even when we face change.

Last Words – Week 2

This week we continue in our study of the seven last words of Jesus on the cross.

Begin this week by studying the Luke 23:43, “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.” Reflect on how these words as you begin your study this week.

Last Words – Week 1

This week we begin our seven week study of the seven last words of Jesus on the cross. Throughout the next seven weeks we hope you will take time to read, reflect, and grow through the seven last words of Jesus.

Begin this week by studying the first of Jesus’ last words, “Father, forgive them.” Reflect on how these words express Jesus’ extravagant grace for us, but also the call for us to embrace radical forgiveness like Jesus.

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