Men + Women
Groups • Events
As a church we seek to create opportunities for men and women to gather individually to meet other men and women at our church and grow in their fellowship with Jesus. That is why we have created small groups and events for men and women uniquely at Grace. Below are the events, groups, and opportunities we have available for men and women to be invested in and grow in relationship.
woMen’s Ministry
We want to create spaces for women to connect to God and each other. We will provide different opportunities throughout the year to do that in small groups as well as larger group settings. There will be opportunities for topical studies as well as studies based around specific books of the bible. Check out our current women’s ministry options below.
Men’s Ministry
Men, life is busy. We have work, families we are trying to lead, friends we’re trying to keep up with, and things we need to fix and work on around the house to name just a few. With all of this busyness we often put our walk with Jesus and spiritual community to the side. We know life is busy, but we also know that God has called all of us to spend time in intentional community and walk with Him regularly. As difficult as that can be for men to do we know it is important, and we have created ways to give the men of Grace opportunity to plug into community, grow spiritually, and grow as leaders of their home and community. Check out our men’s ministry opportunities below.