Ladies’ Steak Night
April 8th from 6:00 – 7:30pm
Ladies’ Steak Night will be on Monday, April 8th. This will be a casual night to help the women of Grace meet each other, enjoy a meal together, have spiritual conversations and grow closer to one another.
Ladies that are 13 years old and up are invited, so invite your friends to join us! We will enjoy a steak dinner and desserts. The cost of the evening is $20.
We hope you make plans to join us for this special evening to connect to God and other women in our community!
LOCATION: Grace Community Church 2853 Dunlop Lane, Clarksville, TN 37043
TIME: 6:00 – 8:00pm
COST: $20
*There will be no childcare onsite for Ladies’ Steak Night.