Relevant All Day

Grace Community Church 2853 Dunlop Ln, Clarksville, TN, United States

Relevant ALL DAY is a chance for our middle school students to experience a typical Relevant Wednesday all day long.

For the City Serve Day

Grace Community Church 2853 Dunlop Ln, Clarksville, TN, United States

Each year during our For the City Serve Day, we go out as a church family to serve at projects to benefit our local partners. We will have various options for projects around town for all ages and skill levels.

Marriage Night

Grace Community Church 2853 Dunlop Ln, Clarksville, TN, United States

Marriage Night is for couples of all ages to come together to share a meal and hear how a better marriage can help us deepen our own relationship with God.


Worship Night at the Commons

Downtown Commons 215 Legion St, Clarksville, TN, United States

The Grace Worship Team is going to have a worship night at the Downtown Commons. This will be a fun time for time for the whole family to come and worship together outside with other families in our community!

High School Fall Retreat

Grace Community Church 2853 Dunlop Ln, Clarksville, TN, United States

Relevant Fall Retreat is a weekend getaway for our current high school students designed to get them out of their typical routine and in God’s creation while deepening their relationships with their leaders and with other students.


Grace Community Church 2853 Dunlop Ln, Clarksville, TN, United States

GroupsGiving is kinda like Thanksgiving dinner, but for groups at Relevant. Join us as we spend time eating, talking, and hanging out throughout the night.

Christmas For the City

Grace Community Church 2853 Dunlop Ln, Clarksville, TN, United States

At Grace Community Church, we desire to join God in His work of renewal in our city through supporting the work of our local partners. This Christmas season, we are partnering with YaiPak to share joy with families in need in our community.

Christmas Eve with Grace

Grace Community Church 2853 Dunlop Ln, Clarksville, TN, United States

Our two Christmas Eve service times on Tuesday, December 24th at 2:00pm & 3:30pm will be a time of worship and caroling as we celebrate the birth of our Savior

Grace Next

Grace Community Church 2853 Dunlop Ln, Clarksville, TN, United States

This will be an opportunity to hear from our staff and other church members about the vision and heart behind Grace. This will also be a time to hear how you can get more involved at Grace through groups, serving, and spiritual growth.

Parent Dedication

Grace Community Church 2853 Dunlop Ln, Clarksville, TN, United States

Parent Dedication is a time set aside where parents make a commitment to intentionally parent their child with an end in mind with friends and family.

Relevant UNITED

Grace Community Church 2853 Dunlop Ln, Clarksville, TN, United States

Relevant UNITED is a worship experience for both Middle School and High School students combined!

Discipleship Groups

Grace Community Church 2853 Dunlop Ln, Clarksville, TN, United States

Discipleships groups are short-term (5-8 weeks) groups where a small group meets once a week to learn about a specific spiritual practice and discuss how to incorporate this practice into your spiritual walk with Christ. 

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