Join us for our live stream!
Sundays @ 9:00 & 10:45am
Now Available On
Ways To Connect
Grace Next
Grace Next
This will be an opportunity to hear from our staff and other church members about the vision and heart behind Grace. This will also be a time to hear how you can get more involved at Grace through groups, serving, and spiritual growth.
Men’s Steak Night
Men's Steak Night
This is a night for the men of Grace Community Church to gather together, eat freshly grilled steak, worship God, and grow in Christ and community.
Parent Dedication
Parent Dedication
Parent Dedication is a time set aside where parents make a commitment to intentionally parent their child with an end in mind with friends and family.
Sunday Morning Prayer
Sunday Morning Prayer
Sunday Morning Prayer his is a Sunday morning prayer gathering on the first Sunday of each month in the garage.